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Lagler Single

The LÄGLER SINGLE offers troublefree handling and long, fatigue-free working periods in a single, efficient unit. The ergonomically styled handle means you keep the SINGLE fully under control, no matter how tough the conditions.

The working angle of the guide tube can be adjusted without taking your hand off the handle, allowing the machine to be effortlessly adjusted to address different conditions or travel under obstacles. And to allow the Single to be compactly transported, the complete guide tube assembly can be dismantled in a few simple steps.

The LÄGLER SINGLE offers troublefree handling and long, fatigue-free working periods in a single, efficient unit. The ergonomically styled handle means you keep the SINGLE fully under control, no matter how tough the conditions.

The working angle of the guide tube can be adjusted without taking your hand off the handle, allowing the machine to be effortlessly adjusted to address different conditions or travel under obstacles. And to allow the Single to be compactly transported, the complete guide tube assembly can be dismantled in a few simple steps.

Lagler Single

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Head Office: 28 Parkhurst Dr, KNOXFIELD VIC 3180
Ph: (03) 9887 2344    | Mon-Fri 7am-5pm

Branch: 15a Allied Dr, TULLAMARINE VIC 3043
Ph: (03) 9330 3330  | Mon-Fri 7am-5pm

proudly patron members 
  of the Australasian Timber 
  Flooring Association

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